Reclaim and Heal The Inner Child

Every one of us has an inner child buried in our subconscious mind affecting how we think, how we react to situations around us, how we make decisions and essentially how we live our lives. Although we may be consciously unaware of it, all of our behaviors are influenced by our inner child, be they positive or negative. Therefore, a wounded inner child is likely to result in negative, toxic or destructive behavioral patterns to a greater or lesser extent causing often unexplainable havoc in your client’s life.

Fully Accredited Reclaim and Heal the Inner Child

This course consists of:

  • 6 in-depth training videos to watch
    and grow with

  • Diploma Documentation

  • A Full Colour Manual

Who is this program for?

This Professional course is aimed at those who wish to expand their existing complementary therapy, hypnotherapy, or counselling practice to incorporate inner child work.

This course gives you tools and techniques for truly helping clients.